Students and student nurses

Full-time students and student nurses may be exempt from paying council tax in some circumstances.


Full-time students are not liable for council tax unless they are living on their own, or in an all-student household. They will not be included when we count the number of occupants.

A full-time student is a person who is:

  • undertaking a full-time course of education (at least 24 weeks in the year with 21 hours study a week); or
  • under the age of 20 and undertaking a course of further education; or
  • a foreign language assistant

In order to register someone as a full-time student for the purposes of council tax we will need to see proof of the details of the course they are enrolled on. This will usually be in the form of a ‘student exemption certificate’, which can normally be obtained from the educational body running the course.

A written offer of a place from the college or university, a notice of a grant award or a student union membership card is not sufficient proof.

Student nurses

Student nurses may be exempt from council tax and not included in our household calculations if:

In both cases, proof will be required of the details of the course being followed.

If you think a member of your household should be disregarded from our council tax calculations for your address, register or login and select Council Tax options to apply for a discount.

Sign in or register

You can also contact the council tax team to discuss your situation using the details below.

Contact the council tax team

Telephone: 01732 844522