Since its development, parking across Kings Hill has been a complex issue. Issues are:

  • conflicting calls for increased parking space
  • need for safer roads that are more accessible for deliveries, services and emergency vehicles
  • the ability to keep pavements clear for pedestrians and vulnerable road users

We have worked with the parish council and Liberty Property Trust to review the parking situation.

Current stage

In May 2024 a General Election was called for 04 July 2024.

Home Office Guidance states that public consultations should not be launched during the election period. This meant that the final part of the legal process to implement Phase 14 could not take place until after the election.

The final stage of the legal process starts 23 August 2024. The legal notice which is advertised in the press and on site can be viewed below.

See Amendment 41 press notice

In line with the councillors’ decisions from the March 2024 meeting of the Joint Transportation Board (JTB), we will make arrangements for the other works to take place. Once signing and lining have taken place, and the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been signed and sealed, enforcement will take place. We are unable to provide a date for this as signing and lining works are weather dependent.

March 2024

The responses to the formal consultation on the intention to change the Traffic Regulation Order were reported to borough councillors of the JTB on 04 March 2024. Where the following decision was made:

‘the proposed restrictions be introduced as advertised, with the omission of the restrictions on Regent Way and Pearl Way.’

September - October 2023

KCC are considering one-way traffic proposals for Fortune Way and Milton Lane, as a large proportion of Queen Street has not been adopted. Introducing roads with one-way traffic flows can have significant effect on the parking habits in those roads, and accordingly affects the wider parking proposals.

In light of this, and the time that has passed since the previous formal consultation was carried out, we re-consulting and invited objections on the revised proposals, with the elements in Fortune Way and Milton Lane that would be affected by a potential one-way traffic scheme withdrawn. The re-consultation ran from 22 September until 15 October 2023. The proposals have not significantly changed since the previous consultation, save for the areas affected by the potential changes to traffic flow in Fortune Way and Milton Lane.

Formal consultation drawings

Formal consultation documents

November 2022

Kings Hill parking review was reported to the JTB on 21 November 2022.The parking issues in Kings Hill cover a number of locations across the development, with a variety of issues relating to the style of the development and the number of adopted and private roads.

We have taken proposals through informal consultation and formal consultation. Local members have asked that the review be placed on hold to allow additional locations to be bought forward.

See Meeting of JTB November 2022

March 2022

Formal consultation responses were reported to the JTB March 2022. Careful consideration was given to the level of need within the community to manage and regulate parking. Members also had regard to the strength of feeling set out in the consultation responses.  However, it was recognised that the Borough Council’s parking review would be unable to address the historic planning issues in the area. It was also recognised that the proposals were based on the principles of the Highway Code and were intended to maintain access through the estate in a safe manner for residents, public transport providers and emergency services.

Following consideration by the JTB, the cabinet member for technical and waste services resolved that:

  • the significant number of formal consultation responses received be noted; and
  • in principle, the objections received should be set aside and the proposed changes, as set out in the Traffic Regulation Order, be supported, with implementation delayed to allow further consideration of proposals for yellow lines in relation to Milton Lane and Hazen Road

See Meeting of JTB March 2022

June 2021

Formal consultation took place.

September 2020

Informal consultation responses were reported the Joint Transportation Board (JTB) in September 2020. Councillors resolved, subject to the informal consultation responses (Annex 2) with minor alterations to proposals on Queen Street, Discovery Drive and Regent Way,  that the Kings Hill parking review be progressed to formal consultation.

See Meeting of JTB September 2020

October 2019

Consultation took place on initial proposals for restrictions on adopted roads. Adopted roads are those maintained at public expense by the Kent County Council (KCC) Highway Authority.

What was covered in the parking review?

The first stage of The Kings Hill parking review aimed to tackle the parking problems on the adopted distributor roads and junctions, with a view to address existing issues and to deter parking displacement to areas where it may cause a future problem.

Later phases will look at the issues in the residential areas.

We are also in discussion with Kent County Council and developers to consider new controls on the roads that may be offered for adoption in the future.

What cannot be covered in the parking review?

We do not have any powers to deal the parts of Kings Hill that are privately owned and managed. Our powers only relate to adopted highway. KCC provide information as to which roads are public (adopted highway) and which roads are private.

See Public and private roads

The aim of the review is to improve access and safety, but requests for traffic calming, speed limits, one-way streets and so on can only be considered by KCC, or the owners.

See Changing roads in your area

Enforcing restrictions

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) have limited powers. The introduction of parking restrictions to adopted roads means that CEO’s would be able to issue penalty charge notices where they witness a contravention.

Our officers cannot have vehicles removed. Only the police have powers to deal with the criminal offences of obstruction, vehicles left in a dangerous position, speeding and other moving traffic offences.

Contact the parking team