Where can I park with a Blue Badge?
Our car parks
Blue badge holders can park in all of our car parks for free, up to maximum stay of 23 consecutive hours. Make sure you clearly display your valid Blue Badge.
On the road
You must make sure your Blue Badge is clearly displayed and that the clock is set.
Go to GOV.UK to find out about your rights and responsibilities in England.
The Blue Badge is not a licence to park anywhere. Blue Badge holders must obey the rules of the road.
See The Highway Code
Permit bays
These are indicated by bay markings and sign plates showing the restricted days and times.
Blue Badge clocks show a maximum stay of up to three hours.
Living in a permit area and parking in a permit bay up to the maximum stay allowed by your Blue Badge clock
- you can park in permit parking bays during the restricted days and times for the maximum time allowed by your clock. You must correctly display a valid Blue Badge and clock
Living in a permit area and parking in a permit bay for longer than the maximum stay allowed by a Blue Badge clock
- you will need a resident or visitor permit, assigned to your car
Living in a permit area, parking your car in a permit bay and using your Blue Badge when taken out in another car
- you will need a resident or visitor permit assigned to your car whilst it is parked in a permit area without your Blue Badge displayed during the restricted days and times
Visiting a permit area
- you can park in permit parking bays during the restricted days and times for the maximum time allowed by your clock. You must display a valid Blue Badge and clock. If you want to park for longer than allowed by your Blue Badge clock you will need a visitor permit