
Showcase the best of Tonbridge and Malling and our role in making it a great place to live, visit and work.

This strategy is designed to deliver maximum impact and value from the TMBC communications function.

It has been developed with input from a variety of sources, including Cabinet, Management Team, external reviews and data on the performance of current communications.

Some of the recommendations, such as our approach to social media strategy, build on progress in the last two years. Others, such as investing in marketing and internal communications, will require a change of approach.

While the communications team is currently 30 to 50 per cent smaller than average for an authority of TMBC’s size, adopting the approach set out will make more efficient use of resources and see increased focus on income generation and corporate priorities.

Communications team


Head of communications
Jon Steel



Media and comms officer (job share)
Debi Rice / Sally Seal

Digital editor (website)
Matt Cattermole

Internal comms officer
Alexine Storey