Climate change strategy and action plan
Our annual climate change action plans set out the steps we are taking across our work and services to deliver our climate change strategy and aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Our strategy
We are responding to climate change challenges by adapting how we work and deliver our services. Our climate change strategy sets out our aspirations for a carbon neutral borough and the steps we will take in areas including:
- adapting to climate change
- air quality
- community and business engagement
- energy usage per household
- habits and biodiversity
- housing and energy conservation
- lower carbon across the southeast (LoCASE)
- renewable electricity
- setting climate commitments
- sustainable development
- transport
- waste minimisation and recycling
Our climate change action plans will help us to meet the challenges and deliver on the aspirations of the strategy. Each year, we will update the actions and publish our progress.
See our Climate change strategy 2020 to 2030.
Our action plan
Each year we publish details of the steps we will be taking to help meet the goals set out in our climate change strategy. Here is a selection of actions from our year three action plan:
- work with Kent County Council (KCC) and attend Climate Change Network (CCN) meetings to ensure collaboration and help meet targets in the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy
- produce carbon audits for the financial years 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022
- produce a TMBC carbon emissions pathway report
- continue to pursue planning policies in the council’s emerging Local Plan that will facilitate the delivery of sustainable development through:
- location
- orientation
- design
- the integration of measures such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- water efficiency
- habitat creation
- complete preparation of the new active travel strategy which will include cycling and walking infrastructure recommendations
- progress the phase two programme of EV chargers in selected car parks as soon as practicably possible. Phase two will allow potentially up to 106 chargers across other council owned car parks
- continue the anti-idling and school area monitoring project work, following the successful DEFRA grant for new sensors and signage
- continue to monitor existing roadside nature reserves and add further if identified and brought forwards
- plant TMBC match funded 1000 trees/whips on TMBC land
- assist with removing barriers for private sector households by working with KCC to target promotion of the second round of ‘Solar Together’ a collective solar group purchasing scheme
- deliver retrofit energy efficiency measures to up to 200 TMBC area Clarion homes focussing on hard-to-treat Wimpey No Fines. Clarion to provide £4.5m match funding across three local authority areas in the Wave 1 scheme
- aim to identify external funding to deliver future rounds of the green business grant scheme
- refresh the climate change webpage to provide a better resource for promoting climate change work, and information to the public
- complete construction of Leybourne Lakes facility which includes solar panels and lake source heat pumps
- start the wider decarbonisation of TMBC owned estate, starting with emissions intensive sites
- continue to contribute towards service efficiency through the digital strategy