
It is recognised by government and scientists internationally, that climate change is the most important environmental challenge that we face. As a local authority, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council has an important leadership role to play in responding to the challenges posed by climate change, particularly relating to the delivery of our key services, but also more widely through working with partners and other agencies to influence mitigation and positive change. We recognise our pivotal role to act as an advocate to all sectors of our communities, in promoting sustainable policies to deliver a reduction in carbon emissions across the Borough.

A motion adopted by full council in July 2019 sets out the "aspiration for Tonbridge and Malling to be carbon neutral by 2030" and for a strategy to be developed to support this ambition.

This strategy sets out our commitment to local action on climate change, our commitment to biodiversity protection and enhancement and our approach to partnership working.

The strategy takes us to 2030, however meeting the challenges and delivering on the aspirations within the strategy will be driven forward through a climate change action plan. This will be updated annually and actions and progress will be reported and published on our website each year. The targets within the action plan will help us move towards a low carbon future, improve our resilience to the effects of a changing climate as well as capturing the opportunities and benefits of transitioning to a low carbon future.

Climate change will directly impact how we, as a council plan our activities in order to meet the needs of all residents in the borough today and in the future. We recognise that climate change is a collective issue and that we all need to make changes to our lifestyles to reduce our impact on the environment. We will work with statutory partners, local businesses, local community groups and individuals to raise awareness and help to influence change. The council has a key role in supporting and promoting local actions, we recognise that we don’t solely have all the required powers and resources to do this. Only by working in partnership can we help to influence the effects of climate change now and for generations to come.

Cllr Nicolas Heslop Leader of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (to 2021)