We are switching to a new planning portal provider which is causing delays to some of our planning services. As a result, the portal and associated online services are currently unavailable.

We are working to get these services back online as soon as possible and apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.

In the meantime, if you are seeking pre-application advice, please email planning.applications@tmbc.gov.uk providing details as set out in our pre-application advice checklist.

While we tackle the backlog, we are not able to respond to individual requests for progress reports via email or telephone, as this takes officer time away from processing applications.

The timings shown below are the most recent averages that we are required to submit to central government.

Table: planning determinations

Application type

Statutory target timescale

Current average determination


91 days

163 days


56 days

113 days


56 days

69 days

Non-material amendments, permitted development, trees etc 56 days 90 days
Pre-application enquiries N/A 55 days

Application type definitions


The number of dwellings to be constructed is 10 or more, or the site area is 0.5 hectares or more.

For all other uses, an application constitutes major development if the floorspace to be built is 1,000sqm or more, or where the site area is one hectare or more.


Anything smaller than the criteria for major developments.

For example, the number of dwellings is between one to nine. The floor space is less than 1,000sqm or the site area is less than one hectare.

Changes of use of buildings of less than 1,000 square metres or less than 1ha site area.


Mainly householder applications. 

Other eg non-material amendments, trees etc

Includes applications not recorded in government statistics; relating to trees, non-material amendments, lawful development certificates and permitted development.

Pre-application enquiries

Enquiries from applicants before formal submission, seeking informal opinion from the local planning authority on the details of their proposals. This is a discretionary service.