Apply for listed building consent
Tonbridge and Malling has about 1,400 listed buildings and structures. They are listed because they are of special historic and/or architectural merit.
Search for listed buildings (Historic England)
Listed building consent is a separate consent from planning permission, and you must apply to us if you want to alter:
- any part of the building or structure
- any object or structure fixed to it
- any object or structure within its curtilage which dates from before 1 July 1948
It is a criminal offence to do works to a listed building without the appropriate consent. If you want to make alterations to a listed building you can apply online using the button below or make your application using paper forms.
If you do not own all of the application site you will also need a notice to serve for each owner.
Contact the planning applications team
Phone lines open from 10:00 - 12:00