Other guidance
Cycling strategy
We have an adopted cycling strategy which is a material consideration for development management purposes, relating to Core Strategy Policy CP2. The strategy sets out principles that cover the development of the cycle route network. Area plans include:
- Tonbridge
- Medway Gap
- Kings Hill and Borough Green
- Wrotham
The cycling strategy will be replaced by an Active Travel Strategy (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan) which will be aligned to the council’s emerging Local Plan. Route proposals were included in a consultation undertaken by TMBC in 2022 .
It is expected that all proposals for new development consider appropriately how they can contribute to the successful development and/or improvement of cycling and walking infrastructure, both on and off site, in accordance with the adopted Strategy and Department for Transport guidance on Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 1/20 . The draft cycle route proposals should be given consideration by developers where these are relevant and helpful.
Vehicle parking standards and guidance
These documents have been adopted by the council as material considerations for Development Management.Kent Vehicle Parking Standards
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
The council have adopted an Interim policy position statement as a material consideration for Development Management.