Supplementary planning documents
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide greater details on the policies in the plans that make up the development plan. The council has adopted the following SPDs.
Affordable Housing SPD
The Affording Housing SPD supplements policies CP17 (Affordable Housing) and CP19 (Exception Site Policy) in the core strategy. The document provides details on what affordable housing we expect to get in new residential developments.
Kent Design
The Kent Design SPD supplements policy CP24 (Achieving a High Quality Environment) in the core strategy and gives greater advice on design, including:
- form
- layout
- character
- quality of development
Character Area Appraisals
The Character Area Appraisals SPD supplements Policy SQ1 (Landscape and Townscape Protection and Enhancement) in the Managing Development and the Environment DPD, providing more detail on the character of the main built-up areas in the Borough.
The SPD is in separate volumes, the first of which (Tonbridge, Hildenborough and Hadlow) was adopted in February 2011.