Dangerous wild animals licence
A dangerous animals licence ensures that should you wish to keep a dangerous wild animal, you do not risk public safety or the welfare of the animal.
Animals which are classified as ‘dangerous wild animals"’ are identified in an accompanying schedule to the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.
In addition to powers of inspection, the Act also lets us seize any animal kept on unlicensed premises.
Animals listed in the schedule to the act must be licensed by the local authority.
Licences are only granted when we are satisfied that:
- it would not be contrary to public interest on the grounds of safety or nuisance
- the applicant is a suitable person
- the animal's accommodation is adequate and secure
Where we grant a licence it comes with conditions such as:
- a requirement that the animal be kept only by a person or persons named on the licence
- restrictions on the movement of the animal from the premises as specified on the licence
- a requirement that the licence holder has a current insurance policy which ensures both licence holders and others against any liability caused by the animal
A dangerous wild animals licence is not required for:
- zoos
- circuses
- pet shops
- registered establishments carrying out animal experiments
Licence is valid for 2 years.
Current fee
£790.00 + veterinary inspection fees.
Dangerous and wild animals licence application