How we can help during a flood
We work with Kent County Council, the police, fire and rescue services and the Environment Agency to co-ordinate the response during severe flooding.
If your home is in immediate danger of flooding, call us on the number below and we will do our best to provide assistance.
We may be able to provide sandbags to help with protecting your property. However, we cannot guarantee these will always be available and will prioritise where homes are affected.
If you live in a known flood area we urge you to adopt a self-help approach and prepare in advance.
Should a decision be made to evacuate an area we will set up welfare centres for those unable to stay with family or friends and arrange temporary housing.
If you decide to stay during an evacuation it may not be possible for assistance such as food, drinking water and medical supplies to reach you. You should also bear in mind that there may be no way to flush toilets or get rid of waste, and it is likely that gas and electricity supplies will not be available.