Carbon audit
Every year we report on our levels of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. Using DEFRA emissions factors, we can work out our organisation's annual level of emissions. To produce this report we follow the greenhouse gas protocol guidance.
Carbon dioxide equivalent refers to the combined global warming potential of:
- carbon dioxide (CO2)
- methane (CH4)
- nitrous oxide (N2O)
By using a common scale we are able to report on all three greenhouse gasses together.
- we procured L.A.S.E.R to produce a baseline audit report for the 2019/2020 financial year
- we are developing our next audits for 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022, to monitor our CO2e emissions over time
- we have committed to annual carbon audits
- the base year for our CO2e emissions is 2019 to 2020
- emitted 3,379 tonnes of CO2e in 2019 to 2020