Hear from some current members of our team
Take a look at what some of our planning team have to say about working at TMBC.
Hannah Parker - Development Manager
It's an exciting time to join our team and being part of a new look planning service which promotes joined up working. We want you to help shape the future of the borough.The council recognises that each member of staff is vital to the organisation’s success. It takes career aspirations seriously and is looking for people who want to step into senior roles and to lead. There’s good support for your development and ambition is celebrated.
TMBC has many opportunities which are ready to be harnessed as the principal town of Tonbridge is a focus for development. There are also opportunities to conserve and enhance conservation areas and to get involved in the challenges that green belt and AONB development bring. Our new Local Plan is being prepared and is at a stage where we want all officers to be involved in shaping the policy of the future.
Samantha Kemp – Planning Enforcement Officer
Although a huge change for me, having no previous experience of working in planning or enforcement departments before, the team were so supportive and helpful that it didn’t take long for me to feel at home. TMBC has provided me with opportunities to develop my own skills, knowledge and understanding and I have been able to undertake training relevant to my role. I have found our managers to be both supportive and approachable. They recognise hard work and can identify potential within their team which helps to create a rewarding working environment. Tonbridge and Malling is a beautiful part of Kent and we are fortunate to be surrounded by some outstanding countryside, brilliant to explore both professionally and personally. The working day is interesting, fast-paced, exciting and enjoyable and I certainly haven’t looked back since joining.
Megan Endersby – Planning Officer
What has impressed me most about working at the council has been the generosity of the team I work with. They have taken the time to help and support me as a new starter, and have made me feel valued and respected from day one. This has been very much appreciated and has helped me learn in a pleasant and nurturing environment.
Andrew Longman - Senior Planning Officer
The council has supported me through my masters degree and in learning and developing my knowledge of the development management function of planning by dealing with householder and small minor planning applications. I now work in the major projects team, managing strategic applications in our borough which combines a range of land uses, from open countryside and residential to commercial and manufacturing. I am supported by a team leader who has a wealth of planning knowledge and experience, who is helping me to develop my knowledge of the larger major applications.
The council is in the process of producing a new Local Plan, and while this is being compiled the borough is receiving a range of exciting major applications, such as the urban extensions to Aylesford. The team has also been dealing with applications relating to the development Panattoni Park, an exciting commercial redevelopment providing a range of economic and social benefits to the borough. With around 1,400 listed buildings and 61 conservation areas, the role presents diverse and interesting planning challenges, making Tonbridge and Malling a very rewarding place to work.