Rough sleeper on the streets
Rough sleeper on the streets

Latest figures show that rough sleeping has been almost eradicated in Tonbridge and Malling in contrast to a rise nationally in the past year

Latest figures show that council partnerships with homelessness charities have seen rough sleeping virtually eradicated in Tonbridge and Malling.

The nationwide annual rough sleeper count compiled by government in 2022 found just one person in the borough sleeping on the streets. The man concerned, who frequented the West Malling area, has subsequently been housed in temporary accommodation.

The number of rough sleepers in Tonbridge and Malling has consistently reduced since 2018, when there were twelve people sleeping rough. In 2020 this was more than halved down to six, and in 2021 there were just two, in sharp contrast to the rise nationally in the past year.

The council works with a range of organisations such as Porchlight and Look Ahead to provide support for homeless individuals and rough sleepers, and with prevention workers, navigators, and an outreach worker all working in the borough to try and prevent homelessness and rough sleeping. Support is offered for many of the challenges faced by rough sleepers, such as housing, finance and employment help, mental health and addiction support.

The team continues to work hard at finding ways to help people off the streets, achieve stability, and help to break the cycle of homelessness.

Eleanor Hoyle, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council’s Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, said: ‘Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and collaborative response.

‘TMBC is committed to working closely with our partners to provide the necessary support and services to help those who are sleeping rough, and to make a real difference in the lives of those who are experiencing homelessness in the borough.’

The council urges anyone who is concerned about someone who is at risk of being homeless or sleeping rough to contact the Housing Team on or contact one of our partner organisations.

Published: Thursday, 23rd March 2023