On 22 September 2022, we launched our Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation. It closed on 3 November 2022. This page explains this statutory part of the Local Plan planning process. 

What is the Local Plan?

The Local Plan sets out a blueprint for how the borough will develop over the next 18 years up to 2040. It aims to meet existing and future needs for new homes, jobs, community facilities, roads and so on. At the same time, it must safeguard our valued heritage assets and natural features.

The government expects up-to-date Local Plans to be in place as soon as possible. Once adopted, decisions on where and how development takes place will be plan-led so we can take back control over the future of the borough.

How are sites chosen?

Sites are submitted for consideration through:

  • the call for sites process
  • former Local Plan allocations
  • the urban capacity study

Submitted sites set out in Appendix B to the Local Plan. Although sites have been included it does not necessary mean that they are suitable or available for development, or allocation within the plan. This also applies to sites listed in the urban capacity study, which at this stage includes open spaces and other land within urban areas. Further work will take place which will likely reduce the list and remove any unsuitable sites, such as village greens.

What is Regulation 18 consultation?

As we prepare the new Local Plan we ask the local community to get involved. Regulation 18 consultation is the first stage of this. For the latest news see Local Plan updates.

The consultation asked what the plan needs to address and what the priorities should be. This enables us to reflect local aspirations while meeting government expectations.

During this phase of the Local Plan process, we only consulted on:

View the Regulation 18 consultation responses

How the Local Plan is informed

We looked at a range of evidence including: 

  • housing needs and markets
  • the green belt
  • urban capacity
  • transport
  • economic development
  • flood risk

This evidence is for information only. It does not form part of the current consultation.

You find the documents at Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation evidence base.

The Local Plan is also informed by the Sustainability Appraisal process.

Read the Local Plan

The Local Plan itself is available to read online or at our offices:

Next steps

We are now considering your responses. Your feedback will inform the next more detailed stage of plan-making. We will also be drawing together more evidence.

Contact the planning policy team