Report a change in circumstances
Your council tax reduction and housing benefit can change if your circumstances change.
You must tell us in writing about changes in your circumstances within 21 days. If you don't tell us promptly you may get a penalty or be prosecuted.
If you get only the guarantee credit part of pension credit, tell us about:
- any change concerning any non-dependant who lives with you. This includes a change to a non-dependant's income. A non-dependant is usually someone age 18 or over
- if you are likely to be away from home for longer than 13 weeks
- if you move address
- if you stop receiving pension credit
If you only get the savings credit part of pension credit, tell us about:
- changes concerning dependent children
- changes to any child tax credit that you receive
- your capital goes above £16,000
- if the income or capital of any partner not included in your pension credit claim changes
- changes in the number if people who live with you
- if you move address
- if you stop receiving pension credit
If you don’t receive pension credit you must tell us:
- if you stop, or any member of your household stops recovery based Jobseekers' Allowance
- if you or a partner's income or capital changes (including income from other state benefits)
- if you move address
- if you or a partner goes into hospital
- about the birth of a child
- when a dependent leaves school
- if any person leaves or joins your household
- a change relating to any non-dependant who lives with you, including a change in their income. A non-dependant is usually someone age 18 or over