Second homes

There is no council tax discount for second homes in the borough. You will need to pay the full council tax charge for any second home.

Empty home

You must pay council tax for empty properties you own in the borough. This includes properties that are substantially unfurnished. If your property has been empty more than one year (more than two years before 1 April 2024) , you will need to pay an additional charge (a premium). The amounts are set out below.

Properties that have been empty for:

  • more than one year (more than two years before 1 April 2024) but less than five years – you will be charged the full council tax plus an extra 100 per cent
  • over five years – you will be charged the full council tax plus an extra 200 per cent
  • over 10 years – you will be charged the full council tax plus an extra 300 per cent

You will not have to pay the empty home premium if either:

  • the empty property is an annex
  • you’re in the armed forces and you have to move into armed forces accommodation as part of your work

There are currently no other exemptions available.

We can offer you free advice and guidance to help you bring your home back into use. Contact the Private Sector Housing Team for more information:

Phone: 01732 876067