
In 2020 we set out our aspiration for Tonbridge and Malling to be carbon neutral by 2030, and for a strategy to be developed to support this ambition. 

The Climate change strategy 2020 to 2030 has now been adopted and includes a commitment to biodiversity protection and enhancement.

Trees face many threats and pressures including land use changes, poor management and damage or vandalism of young trees, as well as pests and diseases. However, trees and woods are essential for people, biodiversity and climate change resilience. They improve our health and wellbeing, clean the air we breathe, cool our towns, help to manage flood risk, and, by capturing and storing carbon, they play a vital role in addressing climate change. 

Trees can also make an important contribution to the character and quality of urban environments through tree-lined streets, as expected in the National Planning Policy Framework. 

Improving tree coverage will not just benefit existing generations, but also future generations and their quality of life.

TMBC Tree Charter image

England Trees Action Plan 2021-2024

This government plan calls for stakeholders to apply for grants for establishing and managing trees and woodlands, access advice and guidance for tree management and plant trees where they make the most difference for biodiversity and climate resilience.

Read the action plan