Air pollutants can be generated from local, national and international sources and travel long distances resulting in 'transboundary' pollution, for example ozone.

The major pollutants and their main sources are:

  • nitrogen dioxide - produced by petrol or diesel burning engines and coal/oil burning furnaces
  • sulphur dioxide - produced by burning fossil fuels (eg fuel oil and coal)
  • carbon monoxide - produced by the incomplete burning of carbon-containing fuels, such as petrol, coal and wood
  • particles (PM10) - produced by diesel vehicles, power stations, industrial processes, mining and quarrying, and domestic sources
  • benzene - produced by petrol burning engines, diesel burning engines and petrol evaporation from vehicles
  • 1, 3-butadiene - produced by the combustion of petrol and diesel fuel, house fires and the burning of other fossil fuels
  • lead - produced by petrol burning engines and industrial combustion plants and processes

The biggest cause of poor air quality in the UK is caused by car fumes. Opting to drive less will help improve local air quality.

Local air quality management (LAQM)

The basis of this process is to regularly review and assess measured and predicted levels of the pollutants listed above against their respective air quality objective. Where it is unlikely that this objective will be met by a specified date, the local authority must declare an air quality management area (AQMA).

We have declared five AQMAs across the borough in areas where the annual objective for nitrogen dioxide is not being met.

These are:

  • Tonbridge High Street (south) between Botany and the High Street/Vale Road roundabout
  • A26 - Red Hill/Tonbridge Road junction Wateringbury
  • A20 Larkfield – London Road/New Hythe lane junction to New Road Junction
  • A20 Aylesford – London Road/Hall Road Junction
  • Borough Green – Sevenoaks Road junction with Western Road

To monitor air quality we use:

  • 57 diffusion tubes located at 37 sites across the borough
  • Two continuous NOx (Nitrogen oxides) analysers, one in Tonbridge High Street and another in Borough Green
  • One PM10 (particulate matter) monitor for PM10 levels at Borough Green 24hrs a day.

See our latest Air quality report and Air quality action plan

Kent County Council’s Air Quality Network monitors air quality in the borough and details of current levels of pollution are available on its website.

Contact the environmental protection team

Telephone: 01732 844522