Appealing LHA decisions

Any person affected by an LHA decision may appeal against it.

Landlords may appeal if they believe that LHA should not be paid directly to a tenant for one of the following reasons:

  • the tenant has fallen more than eight weeks in arrears with rent payments
  • the tenant is considered a vulnerable person
  • it is not in the tenant's interests to do so

Contact the benefits team. You can write to the benefits section at: 

Gibson Building
Gibson Drive
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent ME19 4LZ

If you are a tenant and believe that LHA should be paid to you rather than the landlord you can appeal - as long as you don't fall into one of the following categories:

  • you are more than eight weeks in arrears with rent payments
  • you are considered a vulnerable person
  • it is not in your interests to pay LHA to you

Contact the benefits team using the details above.

Appealing LHA rates for a property

There is no right of appeal against the LHA rates for each Broad Rental Market Area - GOV.UK.



Contact the benefits team

Telephone: 01732 844522